Penn/Rubbish Partnership Kicks Off on Earth Day!


The University of Pennsylvania is known for top-notch academics, excellent sports, and now, a tobacco-free campus thanks to their ongoing partnership with rubbish! Our partnership officially kicked off on Earth Day (April 22) with a Cigarette Butt Cleanup Walk on campus!

Small groups of student volunteers divided and conquered different sections of campus, and using the rubbish app, they logged and tracked the locations of litter and cigarette butts across Penn. Over the past three months, rubbish has been working with Penn to analyze the data collected from the pickups to pinpoint the areas of campus that are not reflecting the university’s tobacco-free campus policy. Once those areas are defined, we can see the trends and create solutions driven by data insights to help keep Penn tobacco-free.

With rubbish as a partner, the whole Penn community can benefit from a litter and tobacco-free campus. If you’re interested in partnering with rubbish, reach out at

Written by
Elena Guberman